
I am reading in internet that the singer of Gangnam style has new song. The name of this new song is Gentleman. When I read this I think how this singer is become so famous with one song. No one is even understand what Gangman style song is meaning but still everyone is singing it. and dancing like they are on horse. Even small children like two and three years old is doing gangnam style in park. I know it is silly dance. but even I just want to dance like that when I am hearing the song.

Last month one day Sara is saying Sally do you know what is harlem shake. I tell Sara I know Abu Dhabi Sheikh. and Dubai Sheikh. What is this Harlem Sheikh? Sara is laughing so much. She is telling maam. Maam is also laughing and saying Sally you are so funny.Then Sara is bringing her laptop and showing me what this harlem shake is. It is so stupid. People are just dancing like they are going mad. There is some stupid song that is playing. I dont know why it is so famous this harlem shake. 

Then Sara is saying Sally we are also going to do harlem shake. She is putting the music on. Camera on. They she say come on everybody lets do the harlem shake. Maam is dancing. Rayan is dancing. Sara is dancing. So even I do dancing. It is lot of fun. After that we are all looking at the movie. We look so stupid. But Sara is so happy that we are all looking stupid. Sara say she is going to put on internet. Maam say Sara it is ok to have fun but not ok to put on internet. Sara is getting upset. She say mom you are so mean. what is point of doing the video if no one is allow to see it? She go to her room.

Full time after that I am thinking of this dance. How something so stupid is become so famous? When I meet my friend Vicky I tell her we are all doing harlem shake in the house. Vicky say Sally you are so lucky. Your maam is doing so much fun with you. She say I wish even I can do harlem shake with my maam.

Two days before in Dubai there is earthquake. Actually earthquake is in Iran. But everything is shaking even in Dubai. Light is shaking. Glass is shaking. Full house is shaking like it is going to fall down. Maam say Sally it is earthquake run out of house. We are running outside. Everyone is running outside. Even Vicky and her maam is running outside. 

When I see Vicky I want to laugh. I tell you why. Vicky wish to do harlem shake with her maam. But instead she is doing a Dubai shake. And not the type that is a Gentleman.

I know it is silly. But I just want to laugh.


Tamra said...

Bwahahaha. You are incredibly funny. Love love love your blog.

dubaisally said...

Thank you

Stephi said...

hhahhha so good! always good to hear from you.

Unknown said...

mashallah lucky hope ur happy like this always i like reading all ur blogs ur in a very good family not like others

George said...

two thumbs up!!! bravo sally. you are a true Filipina with pure genuine hear. may God bless you and ur family.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon this blog while searching for something else and I like the random topics on every day life with the interesting associations, very reflective and very powerful messages. I do, however, wonder how could a maid have so much time to write blogs. Ive had no maid since my son was born and he will be 4 soon and I have had no time to even read a book or do anything else apart from take care of my child and the house. It makes me wonder how somebody in this position as a maid has so much time on their hands to have a hobby such as a blog. And if they do, I don't think it is a true representation of a real Philipina life in Dubai...

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